
2013 Mobile Awards

mobile, web, IoT, desktop, connected devices
design champion, best studio, best start-up & IoT
plus 20 specialist nomination categories

demand design, celebrate courage

About The Australian Mobile Awards

The Australian Mobile Awards is the founding program in design100 Digital Design Awards. Celebrating creativity, courage and innovation in mobile achievements by both creators and commissioners, the awards provide a unique opportunity for all sectors of the industry to participate across an extensive range of entry categories and achieve marketplace recognition.

The awards provide a great marketing platform for you to build recognition for your project - there are 3 distinct social media opportunities - first when your entry is shortlisted, next as a finalist and finally when you take home the award. Enter early, get shortlisted and start your social media campaign. In addition to marketplace voting the awards also cover industry voting and select judging panels - a unique opportunity for you to have all three aspects review your work and decide who are the best of the best.